On the Fringes
The center of the circle is not where you want to be.
It may feel like the safest place,
because you can see everything around you
But that is also the most dangerous place to be in the long term.
because you have already mapped out your surroundings
and you know where everything is.
There is nothing new for you to learn in the center,
there is nothing to push against to challenge you.
By staying in the center, you limit your potential
and you stay weak.
Then all it will take is one major life crisis to occur,
and you’ll be completely destabilized.
If you want to make the most of this experience,
to strengthen your character,
enlighten your soul,
and discover what life is really about,
you need to be exploring the fringes,
the edge between the known and unknown.
This is where you will discover an endless source of inspiration, knowledge and experience.
This is all fuel to sustain the soul of an individual for a lifetime
Without this fuel how do you get through each day?
How can you say you are really alive,
if you only live within the boundaries of what you already know?
I know the center may seem bright and illuminated
but there’s nothing virtuous,
nothing truly compelling
about being in a bright and illuminated cage.
Sometimes it is dangerous on the fringes, and you may get hurt.
That’s when you should retreat to the center, to rest and reflect.
Before venturing out to the edge once again.