Enlightenment Part II. Creating Space

To the see the world with more clarity requires space. You can’t fully appreciate a painting if you are pressed up to it with a magnifying glass. Likewise, you can’t understand the beauty of the forest if your face is smooshed up against the bark of a single tree. Space creates perspective and perspective is key stepping stone to a more enlightened life experience.

Many people have very little space in their lives. Their schedules are packed with obligations, they’re constantly surrounded by others or immersed in noisy environments, and whatever free time they do have is filled with distractions that may feel good in the moment but don’t add any real substance to their lives. If this high-octane lifestyle works for you, then great. But if you’ve ever felt a nagging sense that something is missing—a dissatisfaction or emptiness that you can’t quite put your finger on—perhaps it’s time to pause and reevaluate your approach to life a little.

You don’t need to Marie Kondo your entire existence overnight, but you do need to identify the things that eat up your physical and mental space. Let’s break it down:

Simplify Your Environment

Have you ever walked into someone’s house and thought, “Wow, they could open a museum with all this junk”? Every drawer, shelf, and corner is brimming with random crap that hasn’t been touched in years. Now imagine their home as a reflection of their inner mind—chaotic, cluttered, and overwhelmed. Stop hoarding. If you haven’t used it or cared about it in years, let it go. Your physical environment should be a calming reflection of your mental state, not a dumpster fire.

Let Go of What No Longer Serves You

Think about how many things you do out of sheer habit: activities, commitments, or even relationships that no longer bring you any joy or purpose. Why keep dragging those things around like old luggage? Reevaluate your routine. If something is draining your energy without giving anything meaningful in return, it’s time to drop it like a bad Wi-Fi signal.

Create Mental space

Many people fill their minds with unnecessary noise—whether it’s binge-watching trashy TV, obsessing over every goddamn headline or news story, or engaging in pointless gossip about people that have no relevance in your life. These distractions leave little room for reflection or anything of substance. Start reducing the noise. Spend time reflecting or doing something creative instead of filling your mind with pointless clutter. Give your brain a break—it’ll thank you.

Break Free from Four Walls

Most people spend their lives surrounded by barriers: wake up, go to an office with four walls, come home, and stare at another four walls while watching TV or doom scrolling. Where’s the space in that? Get outside. Go for a walk, sit under a tree, or stare at the sky. Physical space feeds mental space.

Toxic People - OUT

I am a great proponent of removing toxic people from my life. If someone is constantly causing you emotional suffering, it’s time to cut them out like a voucher for washing up soap from the newspaper. If you can’t do this, then you need to strategize. You either need to learn to block them out mentally, or at the very least limit contact with them as much as possible.

Final Thoughts

Whether your goal is to achieve enlightenment or simply lead a calmer, more focused life (arguably these go hand in hand), the journey begins with clearing out the distractions and opening yourself to new possibilities. Remember, a clear mind and an open space are simple yet necessary steps towards seeing the world with more clarity.


An Introduction to Lucid Dreaming


Enlightenment - Part 1.