Unclouded by fear, Illuminated with confidence
It is quite ironic that in order to have confidence in something,
you have to have failed at that very thing.
dozens and dozens and dozens and dozens of times.
Ironic because failure usually erodes people’s confidence.
Or more specifically their perception of failure.
So to remain confident despite failure requires a change in perception.
And one of the biggest failures people make lies in their perception of failure.
If you miss the target, then identify yourself with the mistake,
and allow that to represent who you are now
and your potential
then you really have failed.
But if you learn not to identify with your own mistakes
and instead identify with the playful enjoyment of improving yourself
you can re-open that potential
and allow your confidence to naturally flow
As you gradually and surely get better at whatever you are striving towards
The confident people I know seem to be in a playful, creative mood
Even when mistakes occur,
they identify less with the problems
and more with the enjoyment of the process
which may allow them to keep a positive mindset
which in turn keeps the image of their future potential
Unclouded by fear
and Illuminated with fortitude and confidence