Don't ask for permission for the life you want to live


It is not uncommon for a person to sit around waiting for someone else to give them permission to do something they truly want to do. So they wait a while, and then they wait a little while longer, and then before you know it you are 55, or 69. Past your prime, and still waiting for the touch of a magical wand, so that you can start to live the life you want to live. It’s a very sad and hopeless situation to wait for someone else to allow you to do something. Life will pass you by, and you will grow old, and grow resentful towards others who have chosen to live life based on their own terms. You need to give yourself your own permission. The permission to follow your intuition towards what you find meaningful in life and not blame circumstances, social norms, or the people around you for stopping you. In nearly all cases, it is you and your limited way of thinking that creates your own life obstacles. Of course, there are situations in life when you have to ask for some kind of ‘permission’, but the answer to that isn’t rocket science. Just ask, and if they say no, make yourself worthy of receiving that permission or simply go somewhere else. It’s not that difficult is it? Well maybe you might think it is, and therein lies the problem. It’s in your thinking. The alternative is to wait around watching paint dry. But you won’t have to wait very long because life is ticking by moment to moment, and your death bed is always one day closer with each setting sun.


Irresponsible Parents


Unclouded by fear, Illuminated with confidence